
Where are the sessions held?

In-person and online sessions are available. In-person therapy location will be agreed upon between the SLP and client (e.g., your home, your child’s daycare, SLP’s home-based office).


Are private speech-language therapy services covered under my insurance?

Many benefit and insurance plans cover private speech-language services. Canada Customs and Revenue Agency considers fees paid for private therapy by a Speech Language Pathologist to be a tax-deductible medical expense. The Talk Spot does not direct bill, however a receipt will be provided for tax purposes or submission to insurers for reimbursement.


How many therapy sessions are necessary?

Treatment plans are decided on between the Speech Language Pathologist and client. Therapy sessions are individualized to your child based on identified goal areas and progress so the number of sessions will vary.


How does therapy work while following COVID-19 guidelines?

Remote speech therapy via secure online video conferencing (i.e., tele-therapy) is available. For in-person services, a screening process and necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) precautions are in place.